Tuesday 7 August 2012

Assignment:Choose a Game Consist a Narrative With Characters. List The Function Of Each Character

I choose Counter Strike as my game study.......

1)Elite Crew..
*middle eastern fundamentalist group bent on world domination and various other evil deeds.

2)Guerriila Warfare
*a terrorist founded in a middle east, guerrilla warfare has a reputation for a ruthlessness.

3)Phoenix Connection
*phoenix was formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR. they have established a reputation for killing anyone that get in their way.

*frances unit. counter-terrorist, the gign was designed to be a fast response force that could decisively react to any large scale terrorist incident

*gsg-9 was born out of the tragic event that led to the death of several athletes during thye 1972 olympics game in Munich Germany.

*the world-renowned British SAS was founded in the second world war  by a named David Stirling

7)Seal Team 6
*Seal TEam 6( to be known later an DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of  Lieutenant-Commando Richard Marchincko.

Monday 6 August 2012

New Assignment.........=)

Identify one example game for each for the following 

type control schemes:

*screen- Oriented Steering

*Avatar - Oriented Steering


*Point-And-Click Navigation

1)Sreen-Oriented Steering--> PACMAN

*Top Down
-player will see the avatar from above
-Moving the joystick in a direction, will causes the character to move in that direction

2)Avatar Oriented Steering--->Need For Speed

*joystick and D-pad control
-when player pushing the joystick up, the car will move forward
-when player pushing the joystick down, the car will reverse/backward.
when player pushing the joystick left or right, the wheel will turn left or right respectively.

3)Flying--->Ace Combat 6

*joystick or D-pad control
-player can control the jet by joystick or d-pad.
-player can push up to speed up the jet or push down to slow down speed.
-player can roll or push left or right to change direction.

4)Point or Click Navigation---> CommandAnd Conquer: Red Alert 2

-player only control with mouse..
-player can control many avatar.