Tuesday 7 August 2012

Assignment:Choose a Game Consist a Narrative With Characters. List The Function Of Each Character

I choose Counter Strike as my game study.......

1)Elite Crew..
*middle eastern fundamentalist group bent on world domination and various other evil deeds.

2)Guerriila Warfare
*a terrorist founded in a middle east, guerrilla warfare has a reputation for a ruthlessness.

3)Phoenix Connection
*phoenix was formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR. they have established a reputation for killing anyone that get in their way.

*frances unit. counter-terrorist, the gign was designed to be a fast response force that could decisively react to any large scale terrorist incident

*gsg-9 was born out of the tragic event that led to the death of several athletes during thye 1972 olympics game in Munich Germany.

*the world-renowned British SAS was founded in the second world war  by a named David Stirling

7)Seal Team 6
*Seal TEam 6( to be known later an DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of  Lieutenant-Commando Richard Marchincko.

Monday 6 August 2012

New Assignment.........=)

Identify one example game for each for the following 

type control schemes:

*screen- Oriented Steering

*Avatar - Oriented Steering


*Point-And-Click Navigation

1)Sreen-Oriented Steering--> PACMAN

*Top Down
-player will see the avatar from above
-Moving the joystick in a direction, will causes the character to move in that direction

2)Avatar Oriented Steering--->Need For Speed

*joystick and D-pad control
-when player pushing the joystick up, the car will move forward
-when player pushing the joystick down, the car will reverse/backward.
when player pushing the joystick left or right, the wheel will turn left or right respectively.

3)Flying--->Ace Combat 6

*joystick or D-pad control
-player can control the jet by joystick or d-pad.
-player can push up to speed up the jet or push down to slow down speed.
-player can roll or push left or right to change direction.

4)Point or Click Navigation---> CommandAnd Conquer: Red Alert 2

-player only control with mouse..
-player can control many avatar.

Monday 23 July 2012

choose an on9 game and list down the feed back elements of the game....


Dr Tan had given one new assignments to game student semester 2 . This  time the assignment was choose an online game and list down the feed back elements of the game.

after think and do research a few of game, I decided want choose "Marco Panic" game.
this game marco panic is game fight zombie.this game suitable to be played for youth

among feed back that can if player can kill the zombie is player will get money to buy weapon . apart from thatplayer can also uprgade health,speed, max bomb and evasion.

apart from that too , player that achieve target murder zombie that fixed shall be given award.hence, player should strive to get award and raise money other than shied away from dead.

Sunday 8 July 2012


Dr Tan Wee Hoe has gave group assignment to us...a group not more 3 member.... the assignment was create a game that not have been marketed before or played...the meaning was game that is fresh.before our groupmake gamewe have to make first prototype to show story line...after spread out prototypewe will develop to digital form..

before say leave by much further, I are going to want introduce group friend namely muhammad zawawi bin mohamad hassan.our several nights think game that wish to be created.finally, we unite to make game about to promote Malaysian nation to world.

if our project successfully marketed and profitable in marketwe will begiving 5% to Dr Tan Wee Hoe because help us introduce our game.:)

GAME TITTLE: Malaysian’s Tour

-player would be given task that is certain and player need to complete assignment in time fixed...
player that successfully will with target fixed will go to next level


-player would be given different situation based on state explored....
-promote uniqueness every states that were in in Malaysia to whole world and indirectly player will recognize.
 - Player(s) must finish all stage randomly to get A True Malaysian title from the Prime Minister.

-player that succeed to overcome barrier shall be given money to explore to the enemy state.but player need to clever to manage money.
-player will be aware a little bit about every state uniqueness.
-player also know on places of interest that there was in Malaysia

Types of Interaction: user and computer
-Player(s) can decide which stage he/she want to play randomly as long he/she completed each level and get the True Malaysian title
-Player(s) is given several options to solve the task given in every stage.
- Player(s) must control the character from danger during play the game.

-player have to pay off assignment given with time fixed and if final periodso player will lose.
-player must spend every assignment by rotation for each task are related ... therefore, the player must remember the previous answer ..
-If the character does not fulfill all requirement needed, the character will not gain the title of True Malaysian

A Story/Narrative That Represents the Game World:

is a village child that wants to explore to whole state in Malaysia.
He does not have high qualification but he is aspired to do something that never other people do it.
He want explore to whole state in Malaysia and learn culture that there is in every state.
The desire attracts attention The Prime Minister of Malaysia.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia decided that if the mission managed to, he will get title A True Malaysian.
However, his journey is not easy. He needs to face various challenges during the journey.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Third assignment: choose a game you dislike and anlayse its gameplay type.

bubble shooter is one of my boring game .. why??
1) this game as a children's play because of it! Choose the same color .. it is not suitable for adults
2) tempo is very slow and boring game ..
3) time is not given .. players are not given proper time to end the game ..
4) do not need special skills .. example players just need to know how to use the mouse.

5) there is no challenge.
6) feedback provided not attract players if a player wins .. this will make the players are not motivated to continue the game

Wednesday 4 July 2012

second assignment:name one of your favourite games and anlayse why did you have fun palying it....

hai .. how are you to all my friends .. Today I want to share about one of my favorite game is counter strike. This game is an action game. Players need to know how to strategize with friends in the team to attack the enemy .. Players also need to control the speed of movement while shooting enemies tangan.sebagai example and flee from the enemy. not only that, but players must also be sensitive to the situation in the game .. this is because the player must listen to enemy footsteps coming and instructions given by a friend as asking for help, know where your friends and others. the other hand, this game has a mission to be solved and it makes players feel the desire to succeed in the mission. apart from that, the game counter strike can also be played with friends, by way of LAN parties or local multiplayer ..

Counter Strike Servers

First Assingment: choose one of your favourite games and dissect the games according to its structual ellements.

I choose the game Angry bird as my first research.. Angry bird is one of my favorite games .. as we do not realize that the games we play have games of structural .. for example in the rule base Angry bird there was a player must hit the bird to a pig .. player is given only five birds.

Angry bird how to play this is to throw the bird with the right angle so as to meet the target of a palace of swine who stole bird eggs came tumbling down

-players who managed to destroy the castle is the only use five of the birds will be given a trophy of victory and the birds look happy because their eggs can be saved.
-Successful players are also right to the next level and more difficult level than the level before .. this will make the player feel like playing untill successful.

- the goal of the game is to save the eggs of birds from the pigs and killing pigs with use 5 bird only.


Red Bird's Story-
This one is the angriest of the lot and understandably so. It happened to a diligent student at its school, working its way up the merit list. One fine day, a piggie came in, disguised as an education reformer. He abolished the grading system and replaced it with a format where the students will be ranked on the basis of the number of legs that they possess and the roundness of their snout. This system clearly favoured the piggies and the red bird has been burning with rage ever since. Although like most students, it has no special powers.

2. Yellow Bird's Story-
This bird is both angry and in a hurry. Its story begins in the corridors of Indian bureaucracy. As a kid, it always wanted to be a pilot. It trained, trained really hard and acquired all the skills a jet pilot could need. Ready with all the paperwork, it came to the office of the government monkeys. Its file is still buried in the dust of slackery and inefficient systems of data transfer. As the monkey stared at the computer screen in the office and asked it to wait for four hours or come tomorrow, it got angry; but the monkeys are in no hurry.

3. Green Bird's Story

This bird has the power of the boomerang i.e. it can turn back and reach the starting point from where it started. It was a mellow happy bird before being hit by the train reservation system of the IRCTC. Its sister- the blue bird had given birth to triplets.
And it wanted to visit her and share the joy. It went to the IRCTC website and was immediately shown the door as the site was infested by the ticket mafia. The agents who had booked all the tickets illegally were now selling them at double price. It logged into the site again and again only to be boomeranged back to square one. It too has been angry ever since.

4. Black Bird's Story

This one was a mellow birdie with an artistic knack. It painted cartoons and published them in newspapers. All was well until a piggie took offence to the shape of the snout of a pig drawn by the black bird in one of its cartoons. The piggie held an office in the cabinet. He made the black bird apologize publicly; later on, he set it on explosives and tried to blast it to death. The bird has been seeking revenge ever since.